Saturday, July 26, 2008

Slow July!

Well, after we poured the basement walls the rain began in earnest. It started just as we were finishing off trowelling the top of the walls and placing the rebar that will hold the first layer of logs to the basement walls. For the next two weeks we had torrential downpours at random times just about daily. Pictures of us trying to pump the water out from beside the basement will follow. Dave also had an accident during this two weeks. He was taking support boards off the wall. As he was trying to knock some higher boards off the wall the board that he was using to hold onto decided to come off as well! This resulted in Dave jumping/falling down and landing on a piece of rebar sticking out of the short wall below him. The rebar punctured his inner thigh about 2 inches from the top of his leg and bruised some other areas. After some stitches and a tetanus shot we returned to the build site, but decided to go home to the house in town to recover as I had also injured my back, so we were pretty useless for a few days. To make a long story slightly shorter we have now started to backfill and have almost finished peeling the first 24 logs! Our next steps are to get the basement floor poured and build the rest of the walk-out wall. Then we can start laying logs! What a day that will be! Hope you're enjoying the journey with us.

These two pictures show the rebar that Dave fell on. It was sticking straight up, but he bent it when he fell on it!

The Pour!

We poured our concrete on July 4, and it went perfectly! Thanks to Lafarge Concrete and especially Anmar Pumping, and of course to Ray at Macdamian Cribbing. We have solid basement walls that are holding up. More posts to come.